
Warning This is Classified as a ITAR Munition, basically unlicensed arms distribution

Warning This is Classified as a ITAR Munition, basically unlicensed arms distribution just like making a mine craft house is building a house that must pass building code rules , posting plans online is basically the same as unlicensed arms distribution, , so said State Department Bureau of Political-Military Affairs spokes person, Pat Ventrell in 2013 may 9th

2013/03/24 youtube user "ArtisanTony" Tony Griffy, used Solidoodle
Gen 3 to 3D print several %60 solid 12 gauge slugs in his video
"3D Printed 12 Ga Shotgun Slug for taofledermaus "

2013/05/19 youtube user "TAOFLEDERMAUS" Jeff Heeszel gave the
humorous name red rocket to one of them at the 3:14 mark of his video
"Terrifying" 3D PRINTED BULLETS - Spoiler: they aren't terrifying! "

my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is required but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws



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