
yur are NOT smart, yur intellectual immaturity is Obvious, get less stoopid, discover critique,

yur are  NOT smart,  yur  intellectual immaturity is  Obvious, get less stoopid, discover critique, where was bob lazar standing while filming the ufos' , what year month day & time was it, what direction were they pointing the camera & did they use another one so as to triangulate the real position or the objects

well what do you think about BOb actually filming the test flights of the craft? you cant knock that!

What do you think these circular saw marks in Ancient ruins in Hattusa, Turkey at 2:40 mark are? thanks

You see anything on Kennedy's face ? a bullet to the back of the head would have blowin' his face out ! after all they're claiming the SAME 6.5 Carcano rifle projectile went through the back of Kennedy and then went and wounded Connally hmmmm . they're saying that the 6.5 Carcano penetrated both JFK and caused a bunch of bone shattering wounds to Connelly ! YET on the other hand they're saying that the 6.5 that allegedly hit Kennedy in the back of the head showing a hole according to autopsy pictures BUT nothing coming out of JFK'S facial area.... give that a little thought. Cheers

yer reply to my, comment makes zero sense. you have chosen to post a (pointless) retaliatory comment on one of my videos. you have demonstrated that you possess the intellect of a seven-year old child. in response to facts and one opinion, you chose to attack me. not a problem. i have become adept at dealing with morons. here's a little story, about f a c t s. Facts do not change. neither can facts be 'argued away'. an attack on me alters the facts, NOT at all. the facts are, either the title/intro of yer presentation are Incorrect, or the video is twelve minutes too long. in conclusion: you are NOT as smart as you think you are. and, your intellectual immaturity is Obvious. here a chance to get less stoopid. discover the word, critique.

my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is required but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws



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