
How Will Ferrell Positioned Kevin Hart as a Mascot in the Get Hard Promotional Posters | PopCOO

How Will Ferrell Positioned Kevin Hart as a Mascot in the Get Hard Promotional Posters | PopCOO Here in this episode of Pop Culture Oppression Obsession, we discuss just how A-list actor Will Ferrell and his marketing team positioned African American actor and comedian Kevin Hart as a subservient mascot in promotional materials for the movie “Get Hard,” effectively reducing his status as an equal-billing actor in this film. We will discuss how Kevin Hart’s placement as a servant to Will Ferrell in these materials reinforces the Othering of Kevin Hart and People of Color in greater society.

Some choices of “humor” are corrosive to the representation of People of Color and maintain this corrosive potency long after they have slipped out of popular consciousness. This is one of the ways we receive ongoing messages from popular culture, which remind us of our standing as second-class. These messages are part of a system which refuses to position POC as equals in dominant culture.

In the age of Trump, in the wake of Liam Neeson’s “Black Bastard” declaration, and Melly Gibsons outright racism, PopCOO asks, “Why do powerful white men continue to act in racist, insulting ways?“

Join us in this important discussion!

Definitions, links, and citations to terms and concepts (alphabetical order):

Mascotry –
Online Scholarly Article (PDF): “Of Warrior Chiefs and Indian Princesses: The PsychologicalConsequences of American Indian Mascots”

APA citation:
Fryberg, S. A., Markus, H. R., Oyserman, D., & Stone, J. M. (2008). Of warrior chiefs and Indian princesses: The psychological consequences of American Indian mascots. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30(3), 208-218.

Othering –
Video: “What is Othering”
Channel: Being the Other

Raison d'être -
“The most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence.”
Google Search [argot]. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2019, from

Representation –
Video: “Representation & the Media: Featuring Stuart Hall”
Channel: ChallengingMedia

Allen G. Johnson quote in this episode was taken from:
Privilege, Power and Difference
APA citation:
Johnson, A. G. (2006). Privilege, power and difference. Boston, MA: McGraw-HIll.

The Purpose of this Channel
Video: “PopCoo: Why this Channel? A Pop Culture Resource and Support for People of Color!
Channel: PopCulture OppressionObsession

critical theory,culture,cultural critique,domination,equity theory,fair use,Film theory,imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy,marketing,mascotry,media critique,media justice,oppression,othering,pedagogy,pop culture oppression obsession,kevin hart,kevin hart mascot,racist will ferrell,popcoo,celebrity critique,promotional fail,people of color,racism,will ferrell cringe,get hard,get hard posters,get hard racism,get hard mascotry,

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