
Chris Guerriero - How To Scale And Acquire Companies

Chris Guerriero - How To Scale And Acquire Companies Get shownotes, bonus downloads, and more here:

Chris Guerriero has built several companies of his own and is an advisor and investor in many more. Business owners around the world have come to rely upon Chris when they require an edge to breakthrough growth obstacles.

In this episode, we learn how Chris, who had a successful health club leading a large team of personal trainers, caught the eye of internet marketing gurus as he was able to get his first book out into the masses, selling 60,000 copies in the first 60 days.

He’s also grown teams, culture, and business systems that yield multi-million-dollar companies. During his career devoted to health, wellness, and business growth, Chris has built four 8-figure businesses of his own and helped generate millions in revenue for his clients. 

Through all this, he’s able to manage his time very wisely and discusses how he breaks down his day to day tasks with precision as well as what the right and wrong things to focus on to help your business scale extensively.  You’ll also hear how Chris effectively bridges the gap between the online and offline marketing worlds for massive success. When you are done, make sure you check out our other shows with Roland Frasier and Carl Allen on acquiring and scaling other business and making the right deals.

“If you talk to people in the words they use, there’s a level of trust that’s immediately associated with you and your product, and conversion becomes infinitely easier.” - Chris Guerriero

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

How to get on radio utilizing unused radio spots

How Chris got his book in hundreds of thousands of hands right off the bat

A unique path Chris took during his book launch to get the attention of the marketing gurus

What to include in your books to sell even more to your customers (and those who haven’t even purchased anything yet)

Some unique offline tactics that get your name out

How to use remnant advertising for higher conversions than standard ads

Ninja tactics to create postcard headlines

Key things to look for when acquiring a new business 

How to test physical products ahead of time to assure they will resonate

The formulaic approach to how Chris breaks up his work and advising days 

And much, much more!

Contact Chris Guerriero:

Take the test on Built To Grow Review to find out what you need to focus on to fix to experience significant scale along with lots of great solutions

References and Links Mentioned:

Get the EGP Letter here

Our podcast with Roland Frasier

And our podcast with Carl Allen

The One Thing by Gary Keller

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

Maximize Your Metabolism by Chris Guerriero

Club 28 - Chris’ consulting program

Pretty Links

What is remnant space ? Listen to this episode to find out how to access it the right way

Hustle And Flowchart,Matt Wolfe,Joe Fier,Evergreen Profits,Interview,Business,Marketing,Internet Marketing,Affiliate Marketing,Marketing Automation,Authority Insider,Multiply Authority,Podcast,Audio,marketing,chris,business,health,scale,guerriero,

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