
The Case for Christian Theism: The Reasonable Faith UK Tour

The Case for Christian Theism: The Reasonable Faith UK Tour In 2011, Dr. William Lane Craig, the founder and president of Reasonable Faith, participated in a series of lectures and debates from London to Birmingham. This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants who share their perspective on each event while also focusing on the arguments for the existence of God throughout the tour. The purpose of Reasonable Faith is to provide a reasonable, articulate, yet gracious defense of the Christian faith in the public arena and the Reasonable Faith UK Tour certainly helped to achieve that purpose!

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You can view the entire debate of William Lane Craig vs. Stephen Law at

You can view the entire event at the Cambridge Union Society at

You can view the entirety of William Lane Craig vs. Peter Millican at

You can view Dr. Craig's lecture on Dawkins' Objections to Theistic Arguments at

You can view Dr. Craig's lecture on the Resurrection of Jesus at Southampton Civic Hall at

You can view Dr. Craig's "Debate that Never Was" against the absent Richard Dawkins at

You can view the debate against Peter Atkins at

William Lane Craig,Reasonable Faith,God,Jesus Christ,Theism,Atheism,Christianity,Apologetics,Theology,Philosophy,Debates,UK,Christopher Hitchens,Stephen Law,Wesminster Hall,Emperial College London,Arguments for God,Existence of God,Cambridge Union Society,Peter S. Williams,Humanists UK,A Copson,A Ahmed,Richard Dawkins,Peter Millican,Peter J. Williams,Southampton Civic Hall,The Sheldonian Lecture Theatre,Peter Atkins,

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