
The Belief System of Magical Abilities and how YOU can tap into it NOW

The Belief System of Magical Abilities and how YOU can tap into it NOW This is how changing your belief system will allow you to tap into Magical abilities. We all have unlimited potential that is filtered through the mind. When we remove those filters, we remove the limitations and in this video I show you how to do that.

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This video, I'm going to be sharing with you the belief system of a magical abilities, understanding that you are magical at your core. How to tap into that in a very powerful way. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that have what is called the belief system of magical abilities. Now this is going to sound a little bit of an esoteric video. I'm going to share you with that view with you right now, but if you want more on this, um, you can check out a book that is called autobiography of a Yogi. That is a book that is by Paramahansa Yogananda who was the, uh, noted for bringing yoga to the west, especially back in like the 1930s and forties and 50s, when it was very taboo.

And, um, he is an enlightened guru. You could say who spent his life with other enlightened masters and he talks about some of the things they could do. And let me share that. I mean, they could do magical things, things that you wouldn't think it'd be possible. They could project themselves to some of their devo t's. He could have like project an idea or a thought form to them. And we do that now, even at unconscious levels anyways. He could do things like, um, some of them could levitate, you know, the traditional thing that you see people say they can do. He could do, um, by location. He met people that hadn't, uh, eaten and years. And even one guy that was like 400 pounds I hadn't eaten in years, which I thought was very interesting. But things that you would literally think are, and including things materializing instantly.

Um, you'll get down to his mom had a locket that she was told would appear in her hand in meditation that night and that lock, it appeared in her hand. So things that we would think are literally impossible, um, happens when we understand the mechanics that are involved. And in a way we transcend those beliefs all together. We transcend what we think this reality is. Now, just to give you context for this video, I'm right now in Maui, which is a very magical place. That's what kind of inspired me to talk about magic. I'll kind of show you my view right now as I, as I am doing this video, you should see some B roll in this video as well. That's my view. This is the retreat center. We're saying that it's up there. It's actually a hotel and Airbnb, but it's also a retreat center too.

We thought it was interesting and it's a very magical place. So I thought about it. I was like, I'm gonna make a video on magic are understanding that belief system as well. Cause one thing I'm doing right now as well is I'm studying that of belief systems, understanding how we can transcend belief systems. So we experienced more of we want now with this video. The other thing I want to say is that a quote that I've been saying a lot recently is that the more you realize that your life is a dream, the more dream like your life will become. So one more time. The more you realize that your life is a form of dream, the more dreamlike your life becomes. The truth is is reality is a cosmic dream. We give it meaning we believe it is real and we signed up for this.

We signed up and we knew that we were going to forget who we were. When we came into this reality, we knew that it was the cosmic dream of source consciousness of the one consciousness of God, whatever name we want to label it. We knew that we were going to forget who we are. Go through what is called a veil of forgetfulness so that we could go through the remembrance of who we really are, what's his, which is a piece of that...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

Belief System,Belief System of Magical Abilities,law of attraction,law of attraction belief system,belief system magic,beliefs create reality,how beliefs create reality,how do beliefs create reality,tap into power,manifestation,manifest law of attraction,how to tap into your intuition,tap into your higher awareness,how to change beliefs,how to change belief system,how beliefs create reality now,aaron doughty,aaron doughty belief system,the secret,

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