
unrealistic things that you often see in movies that is so annoying

unrealistic things that you often see in movies that is so  annoying unrealistic things that you often see in movies that is so annoying

Don’t know to what extent this is really unrealistic to others. To me it’s more something that baffles me. You see in quite a lot of movies and tv shows. I haven’t actually seen anyone do this in real life and everytime I see it on-screen, I can’t imagine it either.

Poor eddie

See this ^ grosses me out. The way his face is really getting in there. Not from a safe distance. Because I imagine it’s my face. My. face. Hanging out that close to the one orifice I, and more importantly, others, normally sit on and dangle a butthole over to poop. Big no. No way. Not gonna happen.
Awww Tony

I normally don’t even touch the toilet cover seat with my bare hands. Let alone grip the seat itself? Or lean on it, with my arms. But at least Tony’s suit covers most of him up, so he’s not exposing his skin. I guess that’s not too bad.

But at a second glance...Tony is resting his face on the seat!

I could never.

Partly also because I have long hair. The kind of long that requires me to bun-up the tangled mess every time I go to the bathroom. Otherwise things might get messy at the ends... I absolutely can’t imagine how girls (and guys) with even just medium length hair are okay with their face, and inevitably so, their hair, hanging down the toilet.

At least Malorie from Bird Box isn’t near the seat with her hands. Really wish I could say the same for her hair.

It’s just all kinds of gross to me.

And does it really happen? Anyone I had the fortune to be with at the start of their barf-athon, would empty themselves over a plastic bag. Or the ground, occasionally. I’ve never seen anyone run up to the bathroom. And I imagine even if they did, why choose the toilet?

Yeah it’s close to the ground and with one flush you never have to face it again, but is putting your face near that stinky hub of bacteria really worth it?

Definitely not to me. I’d rather barf on the floor with the consequence of having to clean that up later, than stick my head down the toilet. I’d rather barf on myself, on my clothes. In my bed, on the couch. Anywhere else.

Or maybe I just haven’t been sick enough to enter that hard-core IDGAF state of mind that would allow me to let go of the germophobia that rules over me so unrelentlessly...
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