
S. Korea, U.S. to negotiate more on inter-Korean cooperation projects: Envoy

S. Korea, U.S. to negotiate more on inter-Korean cooperation projects: Envoy 이도훈 "한미, 남북협력사업 긴밀 협의…미, 주권국 결정 존중"

Seoul's top nuclear negotiator says South Korea and the U.S. will closely negotiate on inter-Korean cooperation projects,... stressing it's just the beginning of the process.
Lee Do-hoon's remarks come after luncheon in Washington on Thursday with his U.S. counterpart, Stephen Biegun.
Asked about Biegun's response to possible individual tours by South Koreans to North Korea's Mount Geumgang, he said he has explained enough, and will continue talks with the U.S.
On whether the U.S. understands Seoul's position, he said the U.S. is respectful,... and stressed that Seoul will continue to work with the U.S. based on that mutual respect.
He also said Seoul will seek to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the issue of North Korea sanctions.
Asked about whether any specific discussion on the tourism issue had been held, Lee said it was too early to talk about.

#U.S. #cooperation #NorthKorea

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