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The radial artery terminates at the level of the wrist by dividing into a superficial palmar branch and a deep palmar branch.
Lateraly and and just distally to the pisiform bone the ulnar artery is also diving into a superficial palmar branch and a deep palmar branch.
Before giving their superficial and deep palmar branches, the ulnar and radial arteries gives off a palmar carpal branch which will anastomose to form the palmar carpal arch. This arch is also joined by the posterior interosseous artery.
The superficial palmar arch is realized mostly by the superficial palmar branch of the ulnar artery which is anastomosing with the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery.
We have the following branches from the superficial palmar arterial arch.
Three common palmar digital arteries for the second, third and fourth intermetacarpal spaces. Each of the common palmar digital arteries divides into proper palmar digital arteries which supply their
adjacent sides.
The superficial palmar arch is also giving One proper digital artery that runs along the medial side of
the little finger which it supplies.
The deep palmar arch is formed mainly from the deep palmar branch of radial artery, with the ulnar artery contributing via its deep palmar branch, by an anastomosis.
The deep palmar branch of radial artery winds round the wrist thus arriving at the base of the first intermetacarpal space on the back of the hand. Here it pierces the base of the first intermetacarpal space finaly arriving in the palm where firstly passes between the two heads of adductor policis.
The deep palmar branch of ulnar artery descends between the pisiform and hook of hamate and then passes undercover of opponens digiti minimi , finaly arriving at the base of the 4th intermetacarpal space where it unites with the deep palmar branch of radial artery thus the deep palmar arterial arch being formed.
The deep palmar arch gives of the following branches.
Princeps policis artery which splits into proper digital arteries of thumb.
Radialis indicis artery for the lateral side of index.
And three palmar metacarpal arteries which terminates into the three common palmar digital arteries.
At the base of the intermetacarpal spaces the deep palmar arch gives of perforating branches.
#anatomy #hand #wrist