
We should put photographs of Saints, Lords in our home or not, according to Sikhism?

We should put photographs of Saints, Lords in our home or not, according to Sikhism? #PearlsOfWisdoms #BabaIqbalSinghJi

We should put photographs of Saints, Lords in our home or not, according to Sikhism?

There is a very common question among ordinary people that what is the importance or significance of photographs? Shall the photos be displayed or worshiped or not? Some people even do this, they keep photo of a highly enlightened being or Guru Sahib in front of them and they worship it. This is all Idol Worship. Worshipping a photo is illogical and myths. But if someone worship the photo with a pure heart that Maharaj I need your blessings and enlightenment to take the blessings he keeps the photo in front of him and meditates, like he places the photo of Guru Gobind Singh ji or Guru Nanak Dev ji and begins to medidate on name slowly but surely and by that slowly but surely there is improvement in him. When there is improvement The physical photo is eliminated and the real photo of Guru Nanak Dev ji emerges within the soul. The blessings of the God's name are most important. There is a saakhi (Story) of a Brahmin named Ramanand Gaur Brahmin "Eaek Dhivas Man Bhee Oumang" "Ghas Chandhan Choa Bahu Sugandh" "Pojan Chale Breham Thae" "So Breham Bathaeiou Gur Man Hee Mahi" "Kath Jaaeeai Rae Ghar Laago Rang" He says first I kept on worshipping idols to attain God He used to worship But he did it with a true heart then he found God. He has mentioned that in his Baani "Eaek Dhivas Man Bhee Oumang" "Pojan Chale Breham Thae" He used to go and worship the idols That the God he was searching in idols actually the God was within him. "Kath Jaaeeai Rae Ghar Laago Rang" The Lord is inside me I have to worship him. Gurmukho, these are the ways to reach to God. The one who is only occupied with universal issues and he doesn’t have the divine knowledge. So, he tries to find out God in those pictures but at least he gets inspiration from that but the photo should not get settled inside him. He should observe the enlightenments of Guru Sahib that they has recited the name and been so great And why not I recite the God's name. So, he should gather inspiration from photographs but he should not worship the photo. So I mean to say is, Namdev has done the same thing. His father also used to feed milk to the idols. What he would do to the idols is, he would bring the milk of the cow, keep it in front of idols and he would move his hands with milk in front of the idols and he would assume that they have drunk the milk and then he would come back home and drink the same milk. Namdev ji did not know this. Once his father had to go out somewhere and he said to his son Namdev that feed the milk to the idols Idols mean the idols of the Almighty Feed them milk But he didn’t know how to Namdev then he brought the milk He kept that milk in front of the idols. He offered them milk "Dhoodh Peo Gobindhae Rae, Dhodh Peo Maero Man Patheae" "Nahee Th Ghar Ko Baap Risae" Drink the milk If you would not drink the milk My father would come and scold me afterwards. There was such love attachment and devotion that at last "Dhodh Peae Bhagath Ghar Gaeia" "Namae Har Kaa Dharasan Bhaeia" Gurmukho, Your intention should be good. Worshipping etc are all insignificant things. "Miladhiaa Ddil Na Hoviee Je Neeat Raas Kare" Your intention is what counts the most That is what matters. "Ek Dhivas Man Bhiee Auma(n)g"
(One day, a desire welled up in my min) "Ghas Cha(n)dhan Choaa Bahu Suga(n)dh"
(I ground up sandalwood, along with several fragrant oils.) "Poojan Chaalee Braham Ttai"
(I went to God's place, and worshipped Him there. "So Braham Bataio Gur Man Hee Maeh"
(That God showed me the Guru, within my own mind.) "Kat Jaieeaai Re Ghar Laago Ra(n)g"
(Where should I go? My home is filled with bliss.) Where shall I go? The Lord is inside me. Anyone I look at I find the Almighty inside him. So, this is the stage which should comeHe was worshipping the idols and reached that stage. Because he had a true intention. If you have a true intention no matter whichever way you go at last you will have true heart and you will meet the Almighty. "Miladhia Dtil N Hovee Jae Neath Raas Karae" Rest Some people have a misunderstanding that They keep the picture of Guru sahib in front and start worshipping it. These all are not the real pictures of the Gurus, these all are made by artists assumption based and the artists thought about them and made the painting. Because at that time there were no cameras, so the artists had made them just by assuming. You should not look at the photo. If you have kept the picture in front, you should say this is Guru Gobind Singh ji. At that time your mind should be at Anandpur Sahib, That how did Guru Sahib spend his life there, when Guru Ji is 9 years old?He told his father that the Brahmins are crying because they are forced to change their religion from Brahim to Islam and Guru ji was just 8-9 years old at that time. Guru Tegh Bahadur asked Guru ji Why are they crying?

Baru Sahib,Baba Iqbal Singh Ji,Sant Attar Singh Ji,Sant Teja Singh Ji,Rural Education,Value Based Education,Badu Sahib,ਅਕਾਲ ਅਕੈਡਮੀ,ਬੜੂ ਸਾਹਿਬ,ਬੜੂ ਵਾਲੇ,ਜੀਵਨ ਜਾਚ,अकाल अकादमी,बडू साहिब,pearls of wisdom,akal academy,baru wale,jeewan jach,way of life,shiromani panth ratan,

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