
Nov 2: Emergency Call for Aid and Autonomy Rally at Victoria Park|11.2 維園求援國際,堅守自治集會|TLHK

Nov 2: Emergency Call for Aid and Autonomy Rally at Victoria Park|11.2 維園求援國際,堅守自治集會|TLHK #112EmergencyCallForAidandAutonomyRally.Together with different cities around the world,a call for global awareness for #democracy #HumanRights.#HKCitizens gather in different districts this afternoon.Major rally start point, #VictoriaPark #CausewayBay #StandwithHKglobal

光復香港,反送中,香港,香港人,hong kong,Be Water,直播遊行,直播香港游行,直播反送中,團結精神,五大訴求,hong kong news,直播,TLHK,黑警,警暴,警棍,催淚煙,可恥,橡膠子彈,橡膠彈,催淚彈,反修例,警黑勾結,突發事件,Live,hong kong protest,hong kong protest live,光復香港 歌,光復香港 時代革命 口號,Live Highlights,Five Demands Not One Less,Peaceful Reasonable Non Violent,Anti Mask Law,Emergency Regulations Ordinance,反蒙面法,緊急法,11.2 維園,求援國際,堅守自治,Emergency Call for Aid and Autonomy Rally,11.2 Rally,11.2 Victoria Park,

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