
No cost hormone test - Ragland's DIY. Fast, cheap. Adrenal stress test.

No cost hormone test - Ragland's DIY.  Fast, cheap.  Adrenal stress test. Is stress making you fatigued, lightheaded and wiped out? Would you like an easy way to find out? It’s called Ragland’s test. No cost hormone test.
This is the easiest way to get a look into your hormone function. To do this - get into a lying position for 5 min. Take your blood pressure. It should be 120 over 80 with a pulse rate of 60-80. Stand up and immediately take blood pressure. It should be 126 over 86, pulse rate of 60-80. It rarely does this because people are living stressful lives.

This is under control of your adrenal glands (stress glands). When your body senses a position change the adrenal glands should secrete a hormone that makes your hear beat harder/stronger. If you are too stressed, the only way for the body to compensate is for your heart to beat faster.

Stress is not a disease but aggravates almost all other diseases. Sometimes people don’t’ even realize it. If you are overworked, physical exhaustion, mental stress, marital or relationship problems, your adrenal glands may be short circuited.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include nervousness, weakness, irritability, low body temperature, low blood pressure, apprehension, excessive hunger, difficulty gaining weight, indigestion, craving for sweets, inability to concentrate, feelings of frustration, lack of energy, mental depression, moments of confusion, poor memory, unexplained hair loss, inflammation, lightheadedness, heart fluttering, insomnia, headaches, dizziness that occurs upon standing, poor resistance to infections, alternating diarrhea and constipation, to name a few.

As with most illnesses, the symptoms can come on gradually and build over time. Some people are more susceptible to stress related illnesses than others. If the stress level in a person's life stays constant, the body begins to work harder to fight off the stress by secreting hormones that increase the blood sugar levels to ensure the body has enough energy. Excess stress hormones put a strain on the body's cardiovascular system, causes weight gain around the middle, and increases blood sugar and blood pressure.
Adrenal fatigue occurs when the body can no longer cope with the stress. Inside the body, the adrenal hormones that have been pumping at high levels now drop to very low levels. Once in this stage the body can no longer tolerate stress of any kind, mental and physical exhaustion occur and can lead to illness and collapse.
So how can you know if this is starting to happen to you?
The Ragland's sign or blood pressure test is another easy test to take at home. You will need a blood pressure kit. Take your blood pressure while lying down, then stand up and take your blood pressure again. The top number, (systolic) should have gone up by 8 to 10 mm. If this number dropped instead of rising, you more than likely have adrenal fatigue. If your pulse rate should remain the same.

Another simple test is pupil dilation. You can do this exam by standing in the bathroom facing the mirror. While looking into the mirror, shine a flashlight into one eye. The eye should contract, if the pupil stays the same or dilates; this is another sign of adrenal fatigue.
If you have adrenal fatigue here are some suggestions. Put your body on a schedule – go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. Good food, good sleep, and adequate water. Consider taking a whole food B vitamin complex, adrenal support and protemorphogen therapy. If you want more information on the supplements or protocol please contact Rachelle at 208-232-3216 (extension 108) or
Now, go de-stress.
Dr Jason West, West Clinic

Dr. Jason West,West Clinic,Lyme,You are NOT your diagnosis,

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