
Never Monetizing NOR will we ever monetize We must freely give of Love's Truth given to us

Never Monetizing NOR will we ever monetize  We must freely give of Love's Truth given to us "Freely give of what God's freely given you".

The word "to sell", "to market", "to profit", "to commercialize" is the word 'to corrupt' as a worldly way that comes out of worldly beliefs which seeks one's own wants and interdependent needs at the expense of others, at a cost for others, as a "burden to others" which Paul said that he would not engage.

This practice corrupts the entire message and belief system of anyone who employs a means of gaining worldly reward and benefit from giving and sharing what God gives, what God reveals. This is how sure we can be that God has not and will not give anyone, any group, or any organization a spiritual understanding. When their heart's intent it to use our Father's Loving Truth for a worldly return there can be no spiritual Truth in what they offer;
only having the message of antichrist, a message from their own replacement of Christ, instead of Christ which gives us to be the Lights in this world. Rather they choose a worldly reward that can be stolen, lost, burn, or rust.

They are given to pass up,
to miss out on our Father's rewards and treasures.
The first and blessed resurrection is for those who obey God,
those who are given to Love God;
those who are given a Godly Love for God's Truth.
All leading to that glorious Life;
our one True Hope to share in the very Glory of God.
Being in that first and glorious resurrection in the next age, the next eon,
as God's priests and kings,
endowing us with crowns that have no equal in value;
even in the heavenly places.

Paul, being spiritually aware, spiritually conscious, spiritually driven to seek the kingdom of God, the mind and heart of Christ, first, did not want to give or allow the slightest hint that he may be pursuing Christ, to be, to become as Christ is
for the sake of filthy lucre.
Seeking the attention of people for the purpose of 'gathering disciples or followers unto himself' would be the work and direction of a worldly 'self' as if under the control of a devilish power that would seek to take possession of him.
Commitment to disobedience, degrading the power of our Father's Loving Truth,
cheapening the invaluable Light our Father gives to those who embrace the Way of obedience, which is to love God, is a commitment to rejecting Christ and our Father, God.
The pursuit of worldly rewards instead of heavenly rewards that last, cannot be stolen, and do not rust makes a mockery of Life which seeks the mind and heart of Christ, first.

Forsaking love for Truth,
which works to set people free from doubts, worries, fear, and confusion,
leads in an opposing the high calling in Christ,
which gives us a Life more than abundant with the promise of Life in the next age;
sitting with Christ at the right hand of God.

What greater reward is there than exercising the work of God in Christ in us for the salvation and healing of the whole world?

selling gods word,you cannot love god and mammon,you cannot love god and money,money corrupts gods word,the harlot system,the vortex catholic harlotry,jesus is god,jesus is not god,free will delusion,trinity delusion,godhead trinity,hell is a myth,who is the beast?,who is the false prophet?,We are in the end times,

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