
Is Dyneema Fabric Durable? - 5 Things to Keep DCF | Cuben Safe

Is Dyneema Fabric Durable? - 5 Things to Keep DCF | Cuben Safe IS DCF ok for a tent? Some people say "no."

TO get to the "5 Things" part go to 5:11

Annotations -
- I somehow got in my head that the AT is 1900 miles, it's actually 2,200!
- I meant to say later in the video about high winds and no breaks, that because dyneema doesn't stretch, over time (in high winds) it can pull on stakes enough that they pull out from the ground. Not every DCF tent does this though!
- At 8:08 I mean to say "any 3 season tent" obviously there are 4 season tents the will handle 60+ mph winds well.

DCF,Cuben Fiber,Tents,Dyneema Composite Fabric,Garmin,Hiking,Backpacking,Food,Stove,Chair,Tips,Ultralight Tent,Zpacks Duplex,Plexamid,Aeon Li,Tarp,Silnylon,

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