
How to Be More Confident -- #1 Confidence Killer & How to Fix It

How to Be More Confident -- #1 Confidence Killer & How to Fix It Confidence is one of those things I could never quite figure out. I always looked for ways to feel more confident and felt myself coming up short time and time again.

Until... everything change. I learnt these two core principles and it almost instantly sky rocketed by level of confidence in any situation.

Exited to add to your already amazing self with this amazingly simple hack!


I know we just met... but hear me out. My goal with this whole 'video' thing is to give insights into creating a better life. Even if your life is GREAT, I believe there is ALWAYS another level. This is also to share things that I'm working on so that we can grow together. If you need ANYTHING at all, feel free to shoot me a message on instagram and I will respond.

I want to do whatever it takes to help you on your way to create an epic life. Excited to be friends and hear about all of the amazing things you do in this life!


- Life Advice
- Confidence Hacks
- Relationship STUFF
- Fitness & Health Inspiration
- Student Achievement
- Thriving through School
- Academic Success
- Leadership
- Career Advice
- Social Skills
- Motivation
- High Performance
- Getting Results
- Goal Setting
- Business
- Emotional Mastery
- Strategies For Getting Ahead
- How to live an EPIC LIFE
- How to be a great human


About Juan:
Juan Bendana is a Student Motivational Speaker, author, and DJ who speaks at high schools, University campuses, & conferences internationally.

He has spoken to thousands of students, educators, and parents across Canada & the United States.

He helps students make better decisions while making an Impact on their schools & communities.

He has partnered with major organizations such as Sony Pictures and helps brands connect with students.

He uses storytelling, humour & music to highlight a message of Action, Leadership, Decision Making, and Impact that resonates with every audience member.

Juan brings a new energy to school campus’ and conferences. His journey of helping others excel is present on and off the stage. He had people in his life that gave him the confidence and direction to follow his passions & make an impact – He wants to give that back.

His home is Toronto, Canada, he is a former snowboard instructor, sushi expert, and can recite every word of the lion king.


Motivation,Speaking,Inspiration,Achievement,Goals,Performance,Speaker,Author,Students,Happiness,Leadership,Inspiring,Motivated,Student success,student achievement,academic success,school,high school,how to succeed in college,how to succeed in high school,how to deal with stress,how to be happy,how to be motivated,how to achieve your goals,What do I do with my life,Charisma,how to lead,leading others,how to have charisma,confidence,confident,

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