
Ben Fulford : This System is headed for Collapse -- Economic Collapse

Ben Fulford : This System is headed for Collapse -- Economic Collapse Ben Fulford : This System is headed for Collapse -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash
It’s time to call a spade a spade. Most of the world’s problems originate with a group known as the Elders of Zion. This is an undeniable fact and has nothing to do with the Jewish people. Rather, it’s a group of inbred families who own most of the world’s corporations and have been plotting to murder 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. That’s why they have spent $6.4 trillion on war and mass murder (according to recent calculations by the Watson Institute) since they orchestrated their 9/11 terror attacks and fascist coup d’état.

This was enough money to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and launch humanity into the universe. Instead it was spent on a project to create a Greater Israel from which to rule the survivors of their planned artificial Armageddon. Let us be clear: the problem originates with the inbred group of families that control monotheism.

As a reminder, we are ruled by a govern- (control) ment (mind) that uses religion (re-ligare: to rebind) to bundle us into a fascii (a bundle of sticks), or fascism. Fascism is also known as “rule by corporations.” A Swiss study has shown that 737 people control 80% of the world’s transnational corporations.

These people are also known as the Elders of Zion. They control a system of Babylonian debt slavery through their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. That’s why their servants, the top 10% of the people, control 93.2% of the world’s financial assets, while the bottom 90% are burdened with 72.4% of the debt.

This system is headed for collapse. Riots and civil unrest in Algeria, Bolivia, Britain, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Spain share in common a deep distrust of the ruling elite. The peasants with pitchforks are at the gates.

Also, as discussed last week, the entire corporate financial system has completely lost touch with reality and no longer functions. The chart below shows how the stock market and the real economy no longer correlate.
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