
'A Chosen People' Genesis 25:27-34

'A Chosen People' Genesis 25:27-34 God chose Jacob over Esau to be the Father of Israel. He chose a lyin' cheatin' momma's boy over a skilled hunter who despised his birthright. The characters are morally ambiguous, yet God chooses Jacob. Why? Jacob was chosen by the sheer grace of God's election, he didn't have anything to recommend him for the job of being the Father of a nation. Likewise, when God adopts us as his children through faith in Jesus Christ, it's not because of anything we've done. We have sinner written in bold red across the top of our resume's. Yet God chose to save all who believe in Jesus Christ from their sins free of charge. Anyone who has faith in Christ is a co-heir with Christ of God's covenant promises. God's election is gracious.


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