
101 FIFM - Every Little Thing Is Provided For You

101 FIFM - Every Little Thing Is Provided For You Yes, it is! Every little thing is provided for you, surprised?

In this episode, you'll learn how great God is, how He cares, how He loves us, and how he provides no matter how small or insignificant it is.

Whether you are Christian or not, whether you believe in God or not, this is the podcast for you.


Automated Transcript Below:

Dean Soto 0:00 Hey, this is Dean Soto founder of freedom in five and Pro, and we're here with another freedom in five minutes podcast episode. Today's topic is this, every little thing is provided for you, that and more coming up.

Well, good morning from beautiful Huntington Beach, California. On travel, gonna be speaking at some WeWorks down here in Newport Beach, Irvine, Irvine, at Irvine Spectrum and yeah, it is a great morning. It’s about 9 o’clock so everyone is done with the public school rush. That’s crazy, it’s, it’s, it’s, the, I’d almost forget. Sometimes the, you know, we did a homeschooling thing and so, so there’s certain times that you don’t wanna be out in about. One of those times is when you’re in a public school or actually, when everyone is taking their kids to school and it’s only, it’s on really a rush hour in the morning and there’s this car who’s going all over the place so you can barely, barely even do a podcast coz they’re just constantly driving by.

Anyway, I don’t know why we’re on that hinget. So, so Monday, I spent the day, took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Little education field trip there, Chuck E. Cheese. Make them do some economic business and different things that going, you know get tickets and spend, consume and produce, consume and produce, let’s go, let’s go, let’s get the skills up, right? They can, they can have some fun, get some tickets and then get a reward. How creative, how creative and then when you have add five of them, five of them at the time. So all those five had to barter and trade and see who was gonna do, who’s gonna get what at the very end. So I, so, so the reason why we’re down there is we went, we were gonna go to a, we were gonna go to the Pumpkin Patch and we got to the Pumpkin Patch around 1:30 pm and the guy said, even though the Pumpkin Patch was open, the guy said that the rides at the Pumpkin Patch were not available till about 3 or 3:30 at the latest. And so had to figure, we’re down, we’re down the city anyway. It takes about 45 minutes to get there and so I wasn’t gonna just sit there and wait for 2 hours, right?

Well, so I’ve decided, hey, let’s go to Chuck E. Cheese. So, we went to Chuck E. Cheese, had a, had a blast there and then we went to the Pumpkin Patch. Now, my oldest boy, Zoren, he, he really wanted to go on the first when we, when we finally got back to the Pumpkin Patch. I mean he has been talking about it for the last 2 weeks every time. He’s like, oh there’s the Ferris wheel, there’s the Ferris wheel, oh I love the Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel. And so, I got, every ride there is one ticket and I believe it’s like $4 per ride or something like that or $2 per ride. Anyway, whatever it was I got, I got enough for all 5 of them to do 5 rides. They had a big, big slide, they had airplane, little airplane things for the kids. The little cars that go around. They had the Ferris wheel. They had a couple of other bigger, big, more big rides and so it, none of the, the little, the, the thing that I didn’t really account for was me. I did not buy tickets for myself and I totally forgot that they, they were not going to let my kids go on the Ferris wheel without me being present, at least the younger 3 that I had and then my older 2, my, my, my older daughter was not wanting to go on the Ferris wheel because cos it’s was just soaring, cos she’s scared. So all that being said, due to as complications in who went on what rides, we did not have enough tickets to go on the Ferris wheel together and Zoren, super, I mean he was so good. He was, he was disappointed, obviously but he wasn’t throwing a tantrum or anything like that. But you can tell, he was just extremely, extremely disappointed. And so, so I was like, what do I do. We literally have no more tickets. So, we have like, I wanna say we have like 3, 3 tickets left. So I gave those tickets to my younger kids. They went on some, some of the younger rides and we literally had zero tickets left and they also found, they also met this one girl named Brooke who, who was the cousin of one of the ride operators and she give, she, she had her own tickets and so they were going on some rides with her and. And so, this, long and the short is, we basically had no tickets, and Brooke had no tickets either and there was just. It’s just, the Ferris wheel was not gonna happen. And my son, Zoren was highly disappointed. Super, super disappointed. So caveat before you freak out. I am Christian and so I...


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