
Star Citizen- A More In-Depth Tour of Area 18

Star Citizen- A More In-Depth Tour of Area 18 Decided to give a little ground tour of Area 18 while waiting for my brother to toodle his happy ass across an entire star system so we could go do missions together. This is the main city on the planet of ArcCorp, and is all sorts of shades of Bladerunner. But, it's the best place in the game thus far for touring. They are soon going to add additional star systems with new planets, active dynamic weather, interactive plants and animals (i.e., they will try to eat you), and so on. So, I will likely find a nice, lush world to settle on to replace my digs on ArcCorp eventually. But till then, here ya go.

For those wondering why I died at the 10:00 mark, there's a bug (remember, this game is still in Alpha) where the game thinks you are in space if you go above a certain altitude, and if you don't have full environmentally-sealed gear on you suffocate and die. But at least I got to then show off my apartment :D

Star Citizen,Area 18,ArcCorp,

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