There are several ways to get free money from the government, some of it is money that they owe you and you just never found it because they don’t make much of an effort to find you and some of it is just money thats sitting there waiting for someone to apply for it.
So the first way to do this is to check to see if you have money that’s being held by the state for you OR for anyone in your family,, and there are a lot of people that have this without knowing it. It could be from an old bank account opened when they were a kid, could be from an old investment account, an old insurance policy, land or personal property that was sold at auction, it could be a ton of different things but what ends up happening is they “try to find you” and if they dont then it goes into trust with the state and they hold the money for you
Now lets say that you’re like a broke 13 year old watching this and you don’t own anything and have never owned anything well you should still do this because you want to search for your parents names, your grandparents names, your uncles and aunts names, your ex wife’s name, seriously, search for everyone
So chances are someone in your family does have unclaimed money
And guess what, I did this a few years back and what do you know my dad had an old property that was sold at auction and there was a 5 figure amount that he got in unclaimed money from the sale.
Dad was very happy and i got a new playstation
Now doing this search is a really difficult and arduous process so you need to pay really close attention here…
Go to google
Type in your state
Then type in unclaimed property Search afterwards
Then you look for the link that says “(YOUR STATE) Controller’s Office”
Click on it, then go to the link that says unclaimed property search and then click on it
Then enter your first and last name or the first and last name of whoever you’re searching for and TADA! You’re done
Instructions unclear…?
If you find anything you will have to fill out a quick form to verify your identity and then they will send you the check, this whole process only took about 3 weeks when i did it but I’m sure it varies by state
So enter everybody’s name that you know and see if you can find anything, chances are you will
The second way that you can get free money from the government is from government grants. Now there are a ton of these but one really good one is and the 24/7 hotline number is 888-995-HOPE and they know when that hotline bling it can only mean one thing and that is to help you pay your mortgage payment or at least reduce it by up to half on an ongoing basis if you need it. CRINGE
One of the main reasons they exist is as a response to the 2008 mortgage crisis which caused millions of people to forclose on their mortgages and they have helped over 9 million people avoid foreclosure so this is a legit program, this isn’t one of those grants where winning it is like winning the lottery or getting one of your youtube videos on suggested, you actually have a good chance of winning this one
Now if you have some credit card debt or other types of debt you can go to HUD.GOV and type in the office of housing counseling, you’ll see a map of the united states so just click on your state, and I don’t know why they call it this, its the government so its not supposed to make any sense I guess, but they also deal with other types of debt and then the trick here is to CALL them, make sure to physically pick up the phone and call them and explain your situation and at the very least they will tell you what your best option is and theres a good chance they will have a program to get the debt off your back
What if you haven’t bought a house and you want to buy one? There are programs for that as well, for instance the american dream downpayment initiative ADDI which will provide up to $10,000 for you to cover closing costs or a down payment on a house, now that’s a federal program. There’s also state programs, local programs, country programs etc and the best place to start is to go to your state housing authority and every state has one of these and of course these will be different in every state but you can start by going to (National council or state housing agencies) and then clicking on your state and you’ll see a bunch of programs so just click on them and check them out then find the one that applies to your situation