iNN8k : 7/5/2019, 11:44:24 AM
Please specify & clarify: Is my LookiNg For Group post with the description sayiNg "Let`s become trillionaires & rank 8000" what I`m gettiNg banned for? Or is it that I`m copyiNg & pastiNg a friendly+helpful iNtroduction message to my confirmed LFGroup post members? Because I was iNformed that you`re allowed to send 1,000 messages daily on Xbox Live, I also prefer to use a keyboard iNstead of a microphone so I`m forced to use my keyboard iN that manner iN some regards. (I assume it isn`t my post that you`re banniNg me for because the suspension doesn`t say "Post Takedown".)(Keep iN miNd, GTA OnliNe is based around 2 maiN currencies: Rank/Level + $ Money) If it`s not the post that I`m gettiNg banned for then what is wrong with copyiNg & pastiNg this message to my confirmed LFGroup post members? : Hello & thank you for your iNterest iN my post! Just to remiNd you, I have confirmed you, welcome! Feel free to add me as a favorite, I play often & I`m a consistent & reliable host+deliverer.
Check back l8r for their response to my case review.
#iN8k #iNN8k #IllumiNatey #N8N8ion #LetsBecomeTrillionairesAndRank8000
1. to come, change, or grow to be (as specified):
He became tired.
2. to come into being.