
3 Things that Happen After Death (WARNING NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

3 Things that Happen After Death (WARNING NOT WHAT YOU THINK) WARNING the 3 Things that Happen After Death are NOT WHAT YOU THINK. We are all POWERFUL spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. This video I'll show you EXACTLY what these 3 Things are...and once you know THERES NO GOING BACK.

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This video. I'm going to share with you the three things that happen after debt. These are things that your soul knows, but your ego may not. I'm going to share with you what those are and how you can best understand it.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the three things that happen after you die. There may be more than three things, but these are three things that commonly happen that many people have in deep hypnosis when they're brought back to life in between life or life after death.

These are the things that they say happen and these are the correlations that have happened between thousands of different people that have been in this deep level of hypnosis that have recalled this, and it's empowering to know. It's empowering to know first off, that we are eternal spiritual beans.

Having these temporary human experiences and knowing it makes it easier for us to understand something that I think is very commonly misunderstood. I think so many people grieve and are afraid of what we call death. Not knowing that debt is actually more of a, as a less of a shock to the body than being born.

Think about that for a minute. What they assess, somebody consistently said through thousands of different people that have been in these deep level of gnosis recalling things that have happened on the and high different states of consciousness or you know, what we call life beyond this physical form have said that it is more of a shock to the body being born than it is death.

That is because it's more our natural state of being in higher dimensional states of consciousness when we are free from the physical Avatar, the physical ego body. So the information I'm going to be sharing with you today I think is very empowering. It'll also kind of clear way for you to understand that death isn't really something to be afraid of.

Um, we come here to learn. We come here to have a learning experience, to have these experiences with other souls and maybe things that we may have kind of been a way signed up for, but that at a deeper level, there's so much more to our soul than we can even really imagine.

So the things I'll be sharing with you today will come from a book called journey of souls, which a lot of people recommended to me, but I never really got into till just recently. I've read a lot of Dolores cannon's book, Dolores Cannon, she passed away a couple of five, six years ago, but she has like 17 or 19 books with some odd number like that of transcripts of her with these people in a deep hypnotic state of consciousness.

Um, and asking them questions about what it's like in higher dimensional states of consciousness. These people would go into this deep state of hypnosis and she could ask them questions like, why did you incarnate at this time? What is your purpose in life? What was your relationship with this person?

Here's the limit. Let's go look at some of your past lives. Let's look at your future lives. Let's look at all of these different things. And this information that would come through different people would be so consistent over thousands of different people, all of the world, all who didn't know each other that it seems like there is a consistent type protocol in a way of things that happen. So now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to share, I wrote them down just to kind of give a better understanding of what that is.

Now, first off, the thing we'll talk about is the tunnel of light. So a lot of times when people go through, um, they transition out of their body. Sometimes from what I hear, people will go out of their body through some type of death and they may actually be above their body scene that maybe they're at a hospital or something. They're seeing things that are happening and they'll realize, oh, I'm freed from my body now. And some people may find themselves just traveling. A lot of times there's this.....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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