
Keep Out The Thistles!

Keep Out The Thistles! Continual weeding out Canadian Thistle from my mother and my garden in our back yard provides a chance for the Lord to use this as an object lesson for how we need to keep out the "thistles" from entering our heart and choking out what He desires to plant there.
The Lord gave me two of His recorded messages from "He and I" pertaining to this:

"My love wants to bestow on you My adorning jewels. These are My virtues and they are so powerful that even the worldly admire them. But - you must let yourself be adorned. You must turn your will to your highest good."
And then He gave me this: "I'll sow the seeds. You'll do the cultivating. And you will give Me back the whole harvest, since I am Master of the garden."

Canadian Thistles,He and I,

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