
Rethinking projects: Complexity and cost - Episode 63, Tetradian on Architectures

Rethinking projects: Complexity and cost - Episode 63, Tetradian on Architectures Episode 63 - Rethinking projects: Complexity and cost

How do we calculate the costs for a project? One factor we must always take into account for this is the level of uncertainty in that context...

One of the most common mistakes we'll see in estimating for the work of a project is to assume that all kinds of costs can be made predictable. In reality, the uncertainty of costs is directly related to the type and level of uncertainty in that context. And since uncertainty can never be removed entirely from any project, there's also no way to make costs entirely predictable either. This episode provides a brief overview and reminder of this most important fact.

For more information about cost and uncertainty, see:
-- post 'Price, value, worth and cost',
-- post 'Costs of acquisition, retention, de-acquisition',
-- post 'Use EA to identify hidden costs in outsourcing',


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tetradian,enterprise architecture,project management,complexity,cost,

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