
How to Set Goals! And Achieve your Dreams! Hopefully!

How to Set Goals! And Achieve your Dreams! Hopefully! LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS! What is your vision? Goals? Methods?

Stay in touch: @alyssaweyland on instagram!

Please ignore the crazy strand of hair lol

Thank you so much for watching! I really hope something inspired you and made you want to set a goal. Here's the outline:

Step 1: Vision
Your dream
What do you want to accomplish?
Who do you want to become?
Theme for the season
Who do I admire?
Maximize your strengths!
Quotes/inspiration for how you want to live your life

Step 2: Categories
Health, mental health, career, education, family, friends, hobbies. Things to organize the goals!

Step 3: Goals
A few things per category
Specific, measurable (if applicable), realistic, stretch yourself, time-bound
Write them down!
Make visible! Put them on your fridge, your phone, your mirror, all of the above!

Step 4: Evaluate
Rate yourself out of 10 for how well you did on each goal.
Write a mini journal entry of what you learned.
Successes- write and tricks or successes you had
Failures- don’t beat yourself up! Re-evaluate if it is really important to you. If it isn’t, drop it! If it is, create a new strategy and rewards.
Read over your vision to re-align yourself with your main, long-term goals.
Set new goals for the month using the same categories!

Video description:
In this quick tutorial vlog, I talk about my way of setting goals. It’s important to try to progress and overcome our weaknesses and improve our strengths. Everybody has something they want to accomplish, and using goals, we set a vision and a plan for how to accomplish those goals. This pattern of setting goals has really helped me to learn and progress, even if I don’t accomplish those goals. I hope you enjoyed this video!

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