
Vegetarian & Vegan Alternative To Collagen Bone Broth + Iodine Awareness As An Essential Element

Vegetarian & Vegan Alternative To Collagen Bone Broth + Iodine Awareness As An Essential Element Collagen is derived from the protein-rich, connective tissues of animal bodies -- by its definition, a vegetarian or vegan collagen is impossible.

However, if you don't wish to consume animal products, a viable alternative is seaweed broth made simply by infusing filtered water with dried kombu (wild Japanese seaweed), which I demonstrate the making of in this video.

I grew up consuming sea vegetables, but many people do not consume dietary iodine. Additionally, our exposure to flame-retardant materials and chemicals in the water supply displace iodine, resulting in widespread deficiency (more then 60 million Americans have thyroid dysfunction, and up to 65% don't even know it).

***The human body DOES NOT MAKE IODINE.***

Therefore, it is crucial to consume a food source of this vital element to ensure that you won't be deficient. Because food sources are far better absorbed due to their bioavailability, getting nutrients from food is always preferred over relying on synthetic supplementation.

You don't want to OVERDO it, but you also don't want to NEGLECT it entirely, because either extreme causes problems in thyroid function. It is very safe to consume 1-3 modest servings of sea vegetables per week for the purposes of adequately supply your body with an amount of iodine needed for proper thyroid function.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. The content provided on my channel is for sharing and informational purposes only; it should never be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.


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