
My Current Goals: self improvement, reading list, hobbies ๐ŸŒฑ

My Current Goals: self improvement, reading list, hobbies ๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŽจClick to explore your creativity and get 2 free months of Premium Membership-
๐Ÿ‘ o n m e -
*red square neck top-
brow pencil-
*colourpop blush-
glossier concealer-
*colourpop eyeshadow (used this palette's browns)-
nail polish color-
๐Ÿ’D I S C O U N T S F O R Y O U๐Ÿ’


$40 on AIRBNB

$10 RAKUTEN (cashback)



๐Ÿ“F I N D M E____________
Cats’ instagram:

๐ŸV I D E O______________
-Final Cut Pro x edited by me
-Canon G7x Mark II

๐Ÿ‹M U S I C______________
end slate sound-

๐ŸŽFTC disclaimer- This video is sponsored by Skillshare. Some links in promo section are affiliate links, in which I receive commission from transactions (i.e. amazon, rewardstyle). products mentioned that are gifted to me by kind friends at brands are marked with a (*). all opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Dear friend,
I am returning from a day long ski journey by bus and typing this out. It feels like yesterday because I’m so tired and when I woke from my nap, the sun is set and snow makes the air outside tinted grey. It’s been a great start to my weekend, and the near end of a week that feels twice as long as it usually does. I think something in me is slowly waking back up, because I’ve been feeling more myself each day. I get more things done in the day- not to say that I always meet my expectations, but I definitely have not dodged school work and other responsibilities like I have done in the past months. It took some moments of self discipline, in telling myself suck it up, or don’t sit there for another episode of the office, turn that off and play music at most.
I’ve also been going to the gym three to four days in the morning, so perhaps it gives me a boost for the afternoon. Although it technically takes two hours out of my morning that can be dedicated to work, I spend the remaining time more mindfully whereas I would normally pass it by watching Netflix or goofing off around the house. I know some days I need that break so I give myself that, guilt free. I’ve been falling behind on some other aspects I wish I didn’t, such as making videos for pyperbleu. I tell myself I can only do so much and to focus on the next thing I want to accomplish, not longer on what I couldn’t get done. These are some goals for the coming year, I would love to hear what you have in mind. Anything goes! Literally, even if it’s wanting to goof off MORE because you know you need it. I understand the stigma of needing to be productive, or ambitious in school/work to be respectable in our society. As much as I love feeling productive, I want the core drive to come from my passion and creativity, not effort to impress/satisfy my professor or class assignment (which I did for years). Figuring it out still.
I will see you quite soon. In the process of making some simple tutorials I’ve seen requests for- namely the hair and makeup ones. Stay in touch!

All the best,

rhode,island,school,of,design,catcreature,goals,productive,self improvement,mental health,fitness,self discipline,regimen,work out,exercise,maintain,read,books,recommended,self help,therapy,reading list,challenge,skillshare,hobby,dance,goal setting,2020,relationships,self care,gratitude,meditation,dedication,mindfulness,

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