
The Fossil Fuel Industry Could Set Off A 'Carbon Bomb'

The Fossil Fuel Industry Could Set Off A 'Carbon Bomb' There’s a carbon bomb beneath our feet and new research says we’re about to light the fuse. We explain the findings of the "Oil, Gas and the Climate" report from the Global Gas and Oil Network (GGON), and what it all means for emissions and the goals of the Paris Agreement. The world needs to #KeepItInTheGround to avoid catastrophic climate change.

[i] According to New IPCC Report, the World Is on Track to Exceed its “Carbon Budget” in 12 Years. Oct 7 2018.
[ia] Carbon Budgets Explained. Feb 6 2018.
[ii] - [x] Oil, Gas and the Climate: An Analysis of Oil and Gas Industry Plans for Expansion and Compatibility with Global Emission Limits. December 2019.
[xa] World Bank to end financial support for oil and gas extraction. Dec 12 2017.
[xb] World's Largest Public Bank Ditches Oil and Coal in Victory for the Climate Movement. Nov 15 2019.
[xi] Oil, Gas and the Climate: An Analysis of Oil and Gas Industry Plans for Expansion and Compatibility with Global Emission Limits. December 2019.
[xia] France bans fracking and oil extraction in all of its territories. Dec 20 2017.
[xib] The government closes exploration and drilling for oil and gas on land in Denmark. Feb 22 2018.
[xic] New Zealand Cites Climate Change in Banning New Offshore Drilling. Apr 12 2018.
[xid] Costa Rica is going zero emissions by 2050. Mar 4 2019.

Carbon Bomb,fossil fuels,gas,oil,climate change,emissions,Paris Agreement,global warming,pollution,GGON,GGON report,coal,carbon budget,blow the carbon budget,

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