
Profiting from Digital Practice and Repositioning in a BIM World

Profiting from Digital Practice and Repositioning in a BIM World This webinar helps design professionals plan for their preferred future helping them identify challenges, plan for transition, protect their professional practices, and foster public health, safety, and welfare while practicing digitally.

Design firms are making the difficult transition from a 2-D CADD design and drafting methodology to a system of sharing project information in a digital format. In many cases, this transformation includes some level of building information modeling (BIM.) But the transition is not always seamless as parts of the design industry still practice in very traditional ways and much of the construction industry is struggling through its own transition to virtual construction, augmented reality, and model-based cost estimating and scheduling. Under this transformation, design firms are not the only ones who have risk. The public can be in great danger if the transformation to digital design and construction is not smooth; incorrect sharing of digital information can lead to incorrect construction and latent safety issues. Unlike others in the construction process, design professionals have the obligation in all the services they perform to protect the public from design and construction that endangers health and safety.


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