
Olympus Lyfestyle Promises PB Crunch

Olympus Lyfestyle Promises PB Crunch Order Link:

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Written Review:

Olympus Lyfestyle Protein Review:

PB Crunch – Just like Cinna Cereal and Fruity Cereal the density of the base flavor shines for Olympus Lyfestyle. The peanut butter lingers on your taste buds. Many companies provide a light peanut butter flavor that fades quickly, but that is not the case here. If I were to nitpick I would like a denser pure peanut butter flavor and an extra hint of saltiness to truly make this flavor pop. While this flavor is good, this is the least favorite of the 3 flavors on the Promises line.


Promises Protein mixes very similar to Superior Protein off the Olympus Labs line. The protein blend does not leave clumps on the side of a shaker cup, or in a ninja blender. My sweet spot with the protein is around 6-8oz per scoop. I find this has a nice texture and mouth feel when consuming the protein powder. I also enjoy mixing 1-2 scoops in water or yogurt to make a protein pudding. Both ways have no mixing issues. I will start to experiment with baking shortly, but blends have always treated me well in that situation

Per Scoop:

130 Calories

1g Fat

4-6g Carbs

25-26g Protein

11g WPI

5.5g WPC

6g Casein

2g WPH

Digestive Enzyme

- Great Flavoring

- Low Caloric Count Per Scoop

- Mix-in Inclusions

- Digestive Enzymes Added

- BSCG Certificate (Free of Banned Substances, drug testing security to professionals across WADA, Sports, and multiple workplace drug testing programs)


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