
Meaning of LEAVE ME ALONE and LET ME BE - A Really Short English Lesson with Subtitles

Meaning of LEAVE ME ALONE and LET ME BE - A Really Short English Lesson with Subtitles READ ALONG TO PRACTICE YOUR ENGLISH AND TO LEARN THE MEANING OF LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME BE: So one of the sad things about people is that they bug each other, they're mean to each other, they bother each other, and when people do that to me, I usually say, "Leave me alone". This is the phrase we use in English when we want someone to stop being mean to us, when we want someone to stop bothering us, when we want someone to stop bugging us, we usually say leave me alone. I don't often have this problem. I think when I don't smile, I have this look where I don't think people like to bother me, I look a little bit mean. But when people do bother me, I have in the past said, "Hey, just leave me alone. "I have no complaints about you, "so please just leave me alone "and don't bother me anymore." I wish the world was a nicer place. I wish the world was a place where everyone was just nice to each other all the time.

Hey, we have another phrase, very, very similar. Let me be. You might've heard this phrase before. If someone was bugging me or bothering me, I might say to them, "Hey, let me be. "Just let me be, I'm trying to get some work done here." Or, "Just let me be, I didn't do anything mean to you, "so please don't bother me. "Just let me be." Anyways, it's almost Christmas and part of the Christmas season is being nice and kind to each other, so hopefully during this season you are nice to people and you don't ever need to say leave me alone and you don't ever need to say just let me be. Anyways, Bob the Canadian here, and you're learning English with me. I hope you're having a great day.


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