
Credit Repair Business: Earn an Extra Stream of Income (2020)

Credit Repair Business: Earn an Extra Stream of Income (2020) Credit Repair Business

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Mark: Thank you for taking the leap and thank you for deciding to become a credit score improvement specialist. My name is Mark Clayborne and I'm the founder of the Client Dispute Management software and startup Credit Repair Business Training Center. And I want to show you how you can become a credit score improvement specialist while working your 9 to 5 job and how you could earn an extra stream of income all at the same time.
Mark: Now the way I'm going to show you this is throughout this video course, I'm going to show you step by step on exactly how to do this. But first I want to show you and I want to talk to you about why you should get into this business.

Credit Repair Business

Mark: Now the first thing we want to talk about is how to use the experience that you already have, right? So you are already good at repairing credit. Because obviously, you're watching this video, you came here some way, so you either worked on your own credit report and you improved your credit score and you approved for something or you studied, right? You watch videos, you took classes, you read books on how to do credit repair.

Mark: So you have some understanding on how to do it. But why not leverage that and earn an extra stream of income, right? So would it be obvious that if you have some training, if you have the skill set, why not leverage that to earn this extra stream of income and help other people improve their credit score and not just keep that skillset or that talent in your mind, right?

Credit Repair Business

Mark: So this is why I'm teaching you step-by-step. I'm going to teach you step by step on how to become a credit score improvement specialist. Because your goal is to help the consumer improve their credit score. That is your goal. It's not helping them repair credit. They don't care about that. They don't want you to repair their credit. They want a better credit score so they can get approved for something. So it's your goal to help them do that and at the same time you can earn.

Credit Repair Business

Mark: Now, one of the things I love about this business is that you could work from home. Now the internet has made so many millionaires, including myself working directly from the comfort of the home. You see, the internet has changed the game and you don't have to have a brick and mortar office in order to start a credit score improvement business, because people already know that a lot of people do things on internet. So you can work from the comfort of your home. You can work from your kitchen table. All you have to do is break out a section in your office or in your house and call out your office, and you would work directly from there, right?

Mark: So all you really need is your computer, a phone line, a 800 number, and boom, you can start becoming a credit score improvement specialist right from the comfort of your home. All right?

Mark: Now, the other thing that I love about this is that it's a low startup cost. Now we're going to talk about surety bonds and we're going to talk about a license. Now those can be the biggest cost or expense that you can face while becoming a credit score improvement specialist. But we're going to talk about other aspects of that as well and why it's such a low startup cost. And there are low startup costs associated with becoming a credit score improvement specialist and there's just some things you can't get around.

Mark: Like for example, you're going to need some sort of CRM. You're going to need a website, but I'm going to show you some alternatives if you don't have the money to get the website, I mean, you're going to need business cards. I'm going to show you about that as well. So again, the cost to start, to becoming a credit score improvement specialist versus a traditional business, you can't even compare them because it's such a low startup costs. And you being in this program, you're going to learn everything that you need to know to get started.

Mark: All right, being your own boss. Now, how many times have you said to yourself, "Oh my God, I got to quit this job. I am so tired of my boss controlling my time. I'm so tired of my boss telling me what to do. I'm so tired of not having freedom to travel, not having freedom to spend the holidays with my family. I always got to work on holidays. I can't control my time." Well, that's going to be over, because once you get a taste of how to earn an extra stream of income and you grow your business, you can even possibly leave your 9 to 5 job and become a full time credit score improvement specialist.

Mark:And at that point you will be your own boss and that is why I created this program, because I want to get you away from that 9 to 5 job and become your own boss and have the total freedom that you always, always wanted. All right? Okay.

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