
20191208 0900 KDN Kopan - All problems come from our mind. Importance to subdue it

20191208 0900 KDN Kopan - All problems come from our mind. Importance to subdue it Khadro la began the teaching by quoting Buddha Shakyamuni saying “Do not commit any negative actions, accumulate merit and subdue one’s own mind”. So, we need to identify what is negative action and we need to understand what the definition of dharma practice is. All our problems are made by the mind, but when we search for the mind we cannot find it. Even the self that we feel is very precious, if you search for what is the base of the self you cannot find that. We have this precious human rebirth but by not using it in the right way, we misuse our intelligence and we create problems, but if we use human intelligence in the right way we can develop compassion, good attitude, bodhichitta and destroy the self-cherishing thought and ignorant mind. All the problems that we don’t want are coming from our mind, such as hatred, superstitions and expectations. When we recognize the faults of our mind then we are able to understand the true suffering. There is no pleasure that we can get from worldly activities. We say we want world peace but what we create is just the opposite, by creating the causes for suffering all the time. This is because our minds are not subdued. If we want peace in the world we must subdue our mind. For this we need to understand the nature of our mind, then we can subdue our mind. We are all the time been dragged by mistaken mind and appearances. The buddha taught precisely how to eliminate suffering, gross and subtle, by teaching interdependent origination. By understanding interdependent origination, we can understand that there is liberation. Liberation is when we are free from self-grasping thought. Even though liberation can be achieved even though we can eliminate our self-grasping thought, we are not doing this. All the different sufferings come from the mind and this is why we need to analyze the nature of our mind, this is how to subdue our mind. When we see the nature of our mind we can see samsaric pleasures as being delusional, then we can develop renunciation, from that we can generate compassion to all mother sentient beings, this love is not impartial but equal to all sentient beings, so our mind becomes very vast. If we really understand the nature of mind, understanding emptiness and having renunciation and bodhichitta it will be possible for us to generate our wisdom realizing emptiness into deity, this is a more skillful way to do deity practice than just visualizing. The most trustworthy object is wisdom realizing emptiness. Then if we meditate on bodhichitta and wisdom realizing emptiness, this is the best way to do deity practice. The foundation where we visualize ourselves as deity is renunciation, bodhichitta and right view. We must use our precious human rebirth by utilizing our wisdom, that our self-grasping thought is a mistaken mind, if we use our wisdom then we will be able to free ourselves from problems.


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