
Trivia for high IQ participants

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Question 1 : In what year did the United States first back the Shah of Iran?
Answer a: 1888
Answer b: 1882
Answer c: 1865
Answer d: 1946

Question 2 : For which genre is author Danielle Steel best known?
Answer a: Historical
Answer b: Mystery
Answer c: Political Satire
Answer d: Romance

Question 3 : The ability to discriminate fine detail in an image is know as which of the following?
Answer a: Composition
Answer b: F Stop
Answer c: Film Speed
Answer d: Resolution

Question 4 : What is the liqueur amaretto flavored with?
Answer a: Almonds
Answer b: Orange
Answer c: Strawberry
Answer d: Vanilla

Question 5 : What is the tree called at Disney's Animal Kingdom located in Orlando, Florida?
Answer a: Big Tree
Answer b: Life Tree
Answer c: The Tree Of Life
Answer d: Tree Of Animals

Question 6 : Fiorello LaGuardia was elected mayor of what city in 1933?
Answer a: Cleveland
Answer b: Hollywood
Answer c: Las Vegas
Answer d: New York

Question 7 : I'm a comedian who starred in "Grown Ups" and "Jack and Jill". Who am I?
Answer a: Adam Sandler
Answer b: Bill Cosby
Answer c: Burt Reynolds
Answer d: Steve Buscemi

Question 8 : Which film was the biggest box office hit of the 1960s?
Answer a: Goldfinger
Answer b: My Fair Lady
Answer c: The Sound Of Music
Answer d: The Jungle Book

Question 9 : Where is the Pentagon located?
Answer a: Arlington, Virginia
Answer b: Golden, Colorado
Answer c: Poughkeepsie, New York
Answer d: Quincy, Massachusetts

Question 10 : How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Mexico?
Answer a: Feliz Christmaso
Answer b: Feliz Navidad
Answer c: Happy Christmas
Answer d: Merry Christmas

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