Subscribe to receive Scapegoat Recovery videos weekly - Always free! Hi, I'm R.C., the founder of the Narcissistic Abuse & Scapegoat Recovery Network. I'm also a licensed psychotherapist, educator, author, and coach specializing in healing and recovering from dysfunctional family systems.
I know first-hand how emotionally and psychologically devastating being cast into the role of 'family scapegoat' can be. In my weekly videos I'll be sharing what has helped both me and my psychotherapy and life coaching clients break free from this destructive and painful family trap. Learn how to take back your own life story and turn your personal pain into power - Subscribe to receive new videos weekly! (For more free resources or to learn more about my counseling and services, visit my website at
SUBSCRIBE TO THRIVE! I'll post videos weekly that discuss how to break free of limiting roles and labels imposed on you by others, including and especially by your family-of-origin. I'd love to hear from you so feel free to leave comments or ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them in a future video. If you like my educational videos, please share my channel with others who may need this information and invite them to subscribe!
Join our NEW Scapegoat Recovery Facebook Community at
Note: If you are in emotional distress due to being scapegoated, please seek professional help from a licensed therapist in your area.
DISCLAIMER: All videos on 'The Scapegoat Recovery Network' channel are for information and educational purposes only and any exchanges that take place between RC Mandeville and viewers via comments do not form or constitute a professional relationship. The information provided should not replace or serve as a substitute for professional advice and/or services, and all information provided is used at the viewer's own risk.
*If you are in a crisis please seek appropriate emergency medical / psychiatric services immediately.
© 2019 RC Mandeville