# The fire of envy🔥_It is necessary, it is good ,it is an art and a salvation.
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#freechoice #planofcreation #whydidntyouask
#kabbalisticjoy #arvut #hashpaa
~Envy is something necessary and great. It is a salvation. It starts from feeling the other. We see how babies play with their own toys, not feeling the other. Until the age of two or so, they don’t care about others. Afterward, they start hitting each other and wanting what the other has.
Where does the connection start? It starts from envy.
Each one wants to take what the other has. One child already wants what the other child has.
See how nature presents us with these stages.
Envy is the sensation of the other.
Envy = the will to receive that feels the environment.
Whoever has no envy, who has a small will to receive, cannot bestow. Therefore, we need to develop it and see how you organize the envy and direct it to the direction that you need.
When you discover that you envy someone, then it’s pleasant, because it’s an opportunity to grow, to suffer from it and rise above it. Envy is a great thing.
It is an art. We need to engage in that and show the others how it’s done, and to study.
#envy #qnah