1. Tell us about your ministry that you do through bible fluency, your blogging website, and the books that you published.
2. What are spiritual gifts? Can you give me a definition?
3. What started you on your journey to understand the nature of the so-called spiritual gifts?
4. What are some of the reasons that you think spiritual gifts have been misunderstood?
5. Haven't Christians always thought that spiritual gifts were special abilities?
6. What difference does it make?
7. Do you see any dangers in understanding spiritual gifts as special abilities?
8. What would be the best approach to explain this (spiritual gifts are spiritual ministries) to an everyday Christian?
9. How does this particular understanding (spiritual gifts as spiritual ministries) can be helpful in overseas missions?
About Kenneth Berding:
Kenneth Berding (Ken) is a Professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University where he has served since 2002. He teaches courses such as Life & Letters of Paul, Biblical Interpretation & Spiritual Formation, Biblical Greek, Pauline Theology: Romans, and Apostolic Fathers. He previously taught full-time at Nyack College just north of New York City and has taught as an adjunct professor at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and at Alliance Theological Seminary in New York (and Ukraine and Anaheim). Ken is happily married to Trudi, who has been his friend since his freshman year of high school. Like Philip in the Bible(!), he has four daughters, Lydia, Grace, Ela, and Ana. Ken and his wife Trudi lived in the Middle East for seven years and have many friends around the world. Both Ken and Trudi are deeply involved in the Christian community and ministry of Redemption Hill Church in Whittier, California.
Ken's education includes an undergraduate degree in theology from Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon, a graduate degree in New Testament from Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California (where he now teaches), and a Ph.D. degree in Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Links to Dr. Berding’s Books:
What are spiritual gifts?
The Apostolic Fathers:
Links to Berding’s Websites:
Note: Here you can find resources that Dr. Berding has produced to help the church learn the Bible.
Note: This is Dr. Barding’s blog page.
Note: You can access the PDF file on the Spiritual Gifts Resource Guide here.
About Post Scrutinium Lux:
Post Scrutinium Lux are Latin words for "After the examination, Light". The name itself explains what you can expect here. The flag that we raise at Post Scrutinium Lux is "Post scrutinium, Lux. Post lux, Veritas" meaning "After scrutiny, Light. After the light, truth". Here you will find discussion on all kind of ideas that has to do with life and philosophy. We also know that our reasoning faculties and skills are capable of error. Therefore, the conclusions at Post Scrutinium Lux are always subject to improvisation in light of new discoveries.
About Jabran:
Jabran “Jerry” is the founder and host of Post Scrutinium Lux. He is formally trained as a theologian and biblical exegete and is currently working on finishing his graduate work in philosophy. Being fed up with the negative attitude of the mainstream Christianity towards skepticism Jabran decided to start Post Scrutinium Lux, a place where ideas can be heard, appreciated, and made available to laypeople. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Theological Society and Evangelical Philosophical Society.
Note: The ideas and answers given during the interview reflect the views of the individual speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views of Post Scrutinium Lux.