
✅ High Court to deliberate on dispute over Dáil rules

✅  High Court to deliberate on dispute over Dáil rules 💖 Please Visit:
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✍ The High Court is to hear judicial review proceedings which could open the way to a change in Dáil rules and prevent the Government blocking Opposition Bills. Solidarity-People Before Profit TDs were granted a full hearing of their challenge to Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl yesterday. However, Mr Justice Garret Simons refused an injunction ordering Mr Ó Fearghaíl to change yesterday’s Dáil order of business, saying he was reluctant to “rewrite the order paper voted on by a majority of the Dáil”. The judge did say the TDs had an “arguable” case and a full hearing should take place as soon as possible. TDs were at the High Court seeking to overturn a decision by Mr Ó Fearghaíl to rule out of order amendments they proposed to the Dáil’s rules. The motion seeks to prevent the Government from blocking Opposition Bills by withholding a “money message” necessary to allow them to proceed through the legislative process – even when they have been voted for by the Dáil. The Governmen ...


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