For years at MindStory Coaching Academy we’ve been helping people Monetize their Wisdom – especially those in MidLife and Beyond. The truth is, it's natural evolution for a person who's in midlife or beyond to want to share their wisdom. During our tribal days, people would, of course, take on that role as they got older. In modern times that natural progression disappeared, yet it’s coming back.
We’re moving into an era where people can share their wisdom in a variety of ways, without a middleman who curates, or sensors, or regulates what you say. We’re also moving into a time in history where people need wisdom more than ever, they need the worldview of someone who's lived a few decades and can marry tradition with innovation.
In this episode, you’ll get inspired to
==== see how you can turn your WISDOM INTO WEALTH for yourself and others
==== GET CLEAR on who to best serve and how to serve them
==== take the FIRST STEP to creating or building your ideal “expert” career
If you've been thinking about this for a while, this will give you ideas to get into action!
Topics Covered:
2:20 – How a lawyer turned herself into a coach/consultant through online speaking
9:40 - How a CEO sold his company to consult and lead masterminds
16:47– How a Network Marketing leader became a coach to women entrepreneurs
23:45- How you can get help to turn your wisdom into wealth
VIP WISDOM INTO WEALTH COACHING SERIES WITH CARLA RIEGER AND DAVE O’CONNOR Check out our 12 month incubator/accelerator to go start-to-finish transitioning into or ramping up an “Experts” career that you love and that can magnetize income for years to come.
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