
No Deal Brexit: Threat of job losses and food shortages across Scotland

No Deal Brexit: Threat of job losses and food shortages across Scotland Shortages of food and job losses are possible across the country following a potential no-deal Brexit, according to council bosses.

Food price rises of up to 20 per cent have been forecast as part of several councils’ risk registers, which identify vital services in jeopardy.

Bosses from at least 14 of Scotland’s 32 councils claim food insecurity could become a more prominent feature of their community as a result of the possible food price rise, which could be exacerbated by job losses across the country.

More than one-quarter of the total workforce in some councils, such as Moray and Falkirk, are said to be vulnerable to a no-deal Brexit, with tens of thousands of people facing potential unemployment.

Pat Rafferty, Scottish secretary of the Unite union, said: “Unite Scotland is looking for absolute assurance that Boris Johnson’s premiership will not sacrifice jobs, communities and trade in his pursuit of Brexit at any cost come October 31.

“Recent reports suggesting the Johnson government may be willing to renege on previous commitments given on protecting environmental and labour laws underpinning public safety are deeply concerning.

“Unite is particularly concerned about the impact on Scottish manufacturing and the drinks industry, as well as potential trade barriers that may arise for sectors such as oil and gas.”

The warnings have been backed by charities, who say people in all income brackets will feel the pinch, and now fear food banks could be left short of supplies.

Emma Revie, chief executive of the Trussell Trust, said: “A no-deal Brexit poses the most immediate and severe

risks to the supply of food and price of essentials.

“Price rises will affect everyone, right across the income spectrum, but people who are already struggling to put food on the table will be the least able to keep up with the rising cost of living.

“We are also concerned that the risk to food supplies and possible rises in food prices will also affect vital food donations, which our network of food banks rely on to ensure people referred are provided with a nutritionally balanced food parcel.”

Nutrition levels in school are also at risk, with various measures in place to tackle concerns over shortages.

Last month, it was revealed Renfrewshire had already “stockpiled” £60,000 of food for school meals, while Tayside Contracts in Dundee has tinned and frozen food set aside.

Meanwhile, in North Ayrshire, it has been suggested that nutrition standards could even be amended as a result of food shortages.

To view how a No Deal Brexit will affect your community, visit The Herald's interactive map.


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