
The Criminalization of HIV: Should you be required to disclosed your status?

The Criminalization of HIV: Should you be required to disclosed your status? Season 2: Premier

So, why doesn’t this encouraging picture of HIV apply everywhere? Or everyone? According to the Centers for Disease Control, African Americans accounted for 44% of HIV diagnoses in 2016, despite comprising only 12% of the population. And the disproportion seems to be growing. That year, HIV diagnoses among African American gay and bisexual men aged 25 to 34 increased 30%. If you are a young gay black man in America, you have a one in two chance of contracting the virus – compared with a one in 11 chance if you are a white gay man.

HIV,Shadeen Francis,Robert Graves,Criminalization of HIV,AACO,Antar Bush,Philadelphia,HIV Philadelphia,Tony Purnell,Social Work,Consent,LGBTQ,Black and brown LGBTQ,Philly LGBTQ,Gay,DL,Mandingo,Tiger Mandingo,Teach,AIDS,HealthHIV,PGN,Philadelphia Gay News,Eran Emani,CDC,Therapist,virus,LGBTQ health,Community,Imoact,PEP,PrEP,

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