
Spread Happy: Free Little Library at Smith Rock State Park

Spread Happy: Free Little Library at Smith Rock State Park In the Spring of 2015, I convinced 2 friends to join me in a cross country roadtrip, in my crazily painted RV I called The Bloom Wagon, on a "Spread Happy Journey." The intention was to share love, joy, inspiration, and goodness everywhere we went. We held 14 free events across 12 states over 6 weeks. Here's a recap of one of those:

This video was near Bend, Oregon at Smith Rock State Park.
We wanted to commemorate the last 'official' stop of our epic journey with something special, something a bit more permanent. With only a week & a half to plan it, everything came together like a karmic high-five. Upon arrival to the Bend, OR area, we spent three days building a Free Little Library with mostly donated supplies. The last day we installed it in the commons areas of the bivy site at the always awe-inspiring Smith Rock State Park, and stocked it full of donated books.

A Free Little Library, where one can give and take what they need, is the perfect icon for a journey whose primary intent was just to Spread Happiness. Like a good book :)

We hope you are thoroughly enjoying it!

Love, B, P & A

Spread Happy Crew:
Becky Fromm-
Parker Jones (Art, logo & graphic designs):
Amanda Dugan (Photos and videos):

Special thanks to:
Tom Beans from Dudley's Bookshop Cafe ( for donating all most ALL of the original books!
Chris Parkins and Ranger Matt Davey of Smith Rock State Park
Katie O'Brien & Kellen & Erin
Kelli Carter and family!

The Bloom Wagon website is not live anymore, but I'm still trying to spread the goodness thru cuddling, companionship, and talking about intimacy here on this channel. Feel free to reach out and connect:

Free Little Library,Smith Rock State Park,Roadtrip,The Bloom Wagon,Spread Happy,

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