
JFK planned to shatter CIA into 1000’s of pieces CIA shatters FaceBook minds into 1000’s of pieces

JFK planned to shatter CIA into 1000’s of pieces  CIA shatters FaceBook minds into 1000’s of pieces President John F. Kennedy prior to his assignation stated he would
"Shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds".
Shame it never happened because the same Rothschild Israeli CIA today control all media in United States (of Europe) in America. It is a parasitic mind control artificial intelligence machine used in social media to: "Shatter millions of American fluoride/catechin minds into thousands of pieces and scatter them to the winds. This inhibits any unity to act against a corrupt government.

This mind control machine uses click bait to create low negative vibrational fear and anger that causes cancer and other slow death illnesses for the profits of the Pharmaceutical Insanity Complex.
It also divides and conquers the American people toward civil war. The same tactic used by Rothschilds to start the American Civil War and other civil wars of genocide like the Bolshevik Revolution in retribution when Russia assisted the North because Lincoln turned down the Rothschild bank that financed the South with plans to finance both sides.

These CIA parasitic slave masters following the Talmud laugh at how they scatter the brains of millions of American goy they have trained from cradle to grave to be useless eaters lower than dogs.
If you're brave enough to know the truth behind all their lies read CAT&SNAKE Black Death Cult.

FAIR USE NOTICE: These works by "trampleserpents@gmail" are for the purposes of criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, and research. All footage taken falls under ''fair use'' of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). Therefore, no breach of privacy or copyright has been intended or committed. This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this substantially transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary, and criticism. As such it is believed to be "fair use" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.

TALMUD,TORAH,Jesus,Fluoride,Environmental Protection Agency,President Trump,YHVH,God,False Flags,Secret Societies,Bohemian Grove,Skull and Bones,World War III,Wormwood,Red Dragon,Nibiru,Planet X,Lady Gaga,Nicola Tesla,Bush Crime Family,Clinton,Hillary,Beast 666,Trump,Ignorant sheep,America Babylon,Brainwashed people,Political criminals,Muslim Brotherhood,CIA,John F. Kennedy,

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