
Mexico: Hundreds march against gender violence after alleged police rape of teenagers

Mexico: Hundreds march against gender violence after alleged police rape of teenagers Subscribe to our channel!

Hundreds of women marched through Mexico City on Friday, under the slogan “They don't take care of me, they rape me”, following alleged rape of two teenage girls by police officers.

The protesters walked through the main avenues of the Mexican capital towards the attorney general's office. Several demonstrators painted slogans on facades of buildings and broke shop windows.

Romina, an architecture student who participated in the demonstration, said that “being a woman in Mexico is living with fear. Is not being able to walk on the streets without being afraid of something happening to you. It's leaving your home and not knowing if you're going to be back.”

The rape cases were reported this month, with the 17-year-old claiming she was raped in a patrol car and the 16-year-old saying that a police officer raped her in a museum. Six police officers were reportedly suspended following the allegations, but no arrests have yet been made.

Video ID: 20190817-007

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