
How to Conquer Sales Fear? Prospecting, Sales Mental Health and Selling Skills With Kenny Galloway

How to Conquer Sales Fear? Prospecting, Sales Mental Health and Selling Skills With Kenny Galloway Sales specialist Kenny Galloway has revealed his insights into a number of essential topics including 'sales fear', prospecting and metal health.

Kenny, of Sales Haven, shared some of his selling insights during a ProfileTree Business Leaders interview.

He explained that the work of Sales Haven covers the three areas: sales training, sales consulting and keynote speaking services.

"The sales training can be quite broad in terms of the sales
process but where my skill set lies is in prospecting, in turning order takers into hunters.

"I have other people I can tap into who can come in and polish the training with the likes of closing training and training around meetings. There are people can focus on mindset as, for a salesperson, mindset is everything for a salesperson really.

"On the consulting side, it's focused on building new sales teams and reviewing sales processes to see where they can be improved and where they can be a bit more agile and lean to get more results.

"More often than not you find people who are decision-makers getting involved in different parts of the business when they shouldn't actually be in that part of the process."

Kenny explained why he developed the motivational speaking side of his company.

"I've been in sales for about ten years myself, so I like to get out there and tell my story. I've had the ups and downs, I've come up from the bottom to the top and been down to the bottom again.

"So I like to give people the motivation and right mindset to say 'I can sell' and 'I am great'. That's a passion of mine, I love helping people."

Kenny also gave his view of a common sales mistake: thinking that having, say, a new website or other lead-generating method can replace face-to-face relationships.

"You have reactive and proactive. So, a reactive solution may create an online presence. People see that and they click, then the salesperson in the business has to react to that click.

"If you have sales force you are proactive, those people should not be sitting behind a desk unless they are in telesales. Even if they are doing telesales they're proactively picking that phone up and calling customers or they're out banging on doors.

"You've got those two spokes: reactive is an inbound click with a warm lead, then you have that proactivity, the outbound click from the sales staff."

He added that every member of a team has a part to play in the sales process.

"Whether you're behind the camera, whether you're in customer service, whether you're in marketing, whether you're in tech support, or whatever it may be, you are a salesperson.

"You're out there, you're the brand of that business and you're selling every day. If someone says 'What do you do?', you say 'I'm a developer for ProfileTree', then they ask 'What do they do?' and all of a sudden you're in a conversation that could lead to a sale.

"Everybody is a sales person, I believe sales should be taught to everybody. We have a lot of graduates coming out of schools and more often than not they have the knowledge and theory but they don't have the sales skills or social skills or soft skills to go out there and meet a customer."

How important is maintaining good mental health for sales professionals and how should they go about looking out for their wellbeing?

"The sales industry has one of the highest rates of mental health issues, it's up there with the medical industry and others because sales is a tough job mentally.

"You have to be really resilient. In terms of the sales industry and how people cope with that, they usually put up a wall or a barrier and become quite defensive and become emotionally detached from themselves.

"But you have to be at one with your feelings, and understand 'I'm maybe not in a good place' or 'I do need help' and that's how you build your resilience."

To discover more insights from Kenny explore our full video interview.


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Summary: How to Conquer Sales Fear? Prospecting, Sales Mental Health and Selling Skills With Kenny Galloway

During a ProfileTree interview, Kenny Galloway explores sales strategies, strategies to increase sales, sales techniques, sales prospecting tips, sales mental well being and much more.


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