
9 events of instruction by Robert Gagné

9 events of instruction by Robert Gagné Robert Gagné was a psychologist in the field of education. In 1972 he developed his taxonomy of learning. Gagné's work has been particularly influential in the design of instructional materials.

There are three elements in Gagné's theory:
-a taxonomy;
-internal and external factors
-nine events of instruction.

One of his most influential ideas was his concept of Nine Events of Instruction, that had a significant impact on the world of education.

This video will briefly explain and cover the Nine Events of Instruction. The nine events are as follows.

1. Gain attention
Present a good problem or new situation in a stimulating and engaging way. (reception)

2. Inform learner of objectives
Describe the learning outcomes, aims and objectives of the training. Inform learners what skills will be accomplished and how they will be able to use the knowledge. (expectancy)

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
Remind students of prior knowledge relevant to the current training (facts, rules, procedures or skills). Show how the sessions are connected. Provide the student with a framework that helps learning and remembering. (retrieval)

4. Present stimulus material to be learned
Use a mixture of media e.g. text, graphics, simulations, figures, pictures, sound, etc. e.g. follow a consistent presentation style, chunking of information (avoid memory overload, recall information) (selective perception)

5.Provide learner guidance
Show examples and demonstrate the relevance of the materials. Use different approaches to demonstrate the same information. (semantic encoding)

6. Elicit performance and practice
Let the student do something with the newly acquired behaviour, practice skills or apply knowledge. (response)

7. Provide informative feedback
Show correctness of the student's response, analyse learner's behaviour (or let him do it), maybe present a good (step-by-step) solution of the problem - model answer. (reinforcement)

8. Assess performance
Test if the lesson has been learned. Also give sometimes general progress information in the context of the whole course. (retrieval)

9. Enhance retention and transfer
Give examples of similar problems or situations, provide additional practice. Put the learner in a transfer situation and get them to review the training materials. (generalisation)

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay
Image by Miroslavik from Pixabay
Image by Jonny Lindner from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay
Image by Rachel Scott from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Photo by Immortal shots from Pexels
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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