
2019-08-18 Yo Soy Tu Mismo: Michael James discusses purpose and balancing different purposes

2019-08-18 Yo Soy Tu Mismo: Michael James discusses purpose and balancing different purposes At a meeting of ‘Yo Soy Tu Mismo’ (a group of Spanish devotees of Bhagavan Sri Ramana) on 18th August 2019 (via Zoom), Michael James discusses purpose in general and sprecifically in reply to the question ‘How to balance our purpose in the world with our main purpose of fully awakening to our true nature?’, and then he answers questions on this and other aspects of Bhagavan’s teachings.

An MP3 audio copy of this video can be listened to or downloaded from

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,Ramana Maharshi (author),Atma-vichara,Self-enquiry,self-surrender,Nāṉ Yār? (Who am I?),Advaita,Michael James,

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