
This will have to do as my channel trailer - for now... or maybe ever

This will have to do as my channel trailer - for now... or maybe ever 3:01 Cannot believe I used "normal" in that (or any) context - THERE IS NO NORMAL, PEOPLE! Every family made up of individuals and we're all different. Every family is different. "Dysfunctional" possibly might have been a better term...
3:10 People give up on their dreams in their 50s. "Don't give up on your dreams, even if you're 50." Sorry, I meant to say even if you're 60, 70, 80, 90!
4:00 Highly recommend Patch Adams - there's a film and a book I believe. A medical doctor who believed in helping people identify and find ways to give themselves what they've always really wanted - any age, no limits! Just your joy!
5:15 Mention of numerology/astrology. Astrology daily forecasts are what's put everyone off astrology and people don't believe it! but you can use it for personality traits.
6:20 Understanding your partner better. Where I say "It doesn't have to be this terrible tragedy" - hand on forehead, woeful look - that's me taking the P out of me, rather than anyone else struggling with relationships. :O)
11:20 It was the third level that earth resides in and the two below are on a lower vibration than level 3 is what I remember now.
12:25 My eyes became planets! (during a meditation)
12:30 It's an emotional moment - I’m a soldier with a flower, on one knee, holding the flower up - for peace - as if that's my job here: “Love each other, people. Don't fight. Pull together, go forward. Help each other”.
I didn't explain that this image of the soldier came to me at the end of the session and has stayed with me ever since. Nobody else planted the idea or anything. (And I so relate to Peace Pilgrim, who travelled from town to town to tell people about peace.) I relate to the army uniform - fight your conditioning wholeheartedly - and the hard hat - stand guard at the door of your mind - protect yourself from thoughts/fearful chattering mind.
13:55 Neale Donald Walsch books explain a lot about life on earth. Cannot recommend highly enough.
14:45 Where I say, "If you don't believe, click out or whatever", I could have said, or "Please watch my other videos for more explanation"! Sorry 'bout that. :O)

Peace,Understanding,compassion,humanitarian,love,law of attraction,feelings,diet,motivation,numerology,

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