
Why I Founded My Company, Kion.

Why I Founded My Company, Kion. Three years ago, I was perched atop the reddish-brown remains of a Koa tree log half buried in the Kauai beach sand, staring out into the massive expanse of the Pacific ocean. I’d been on the beach for four hours now – walking, journaling, thinking, introspecting, and asking myself and my Creator the same question over and over again: is it time to move on?

Is it time to simply do what my heart seems to be tugging me towards: a quiet, introverted life in my forest home in Spokane, Washington, writing fantasy fiction, strumming ukulele, bowhunting and foraging for plants?

Should I simply take two decades of time spent immersed in the fitness trenches, over 4,000 health books consumed, a Master’s degree in physiology and biomechanics, voracious studying of every nutrition, digestion and diet tactic in existence, hardcore lessons learned from subjecting my body and brain to the most masochistic events on the face of the planet, ten years of researching and answering podcast questions on everything from muscle gain to memory to migraines…

…and simply walk away?

After all, at 33 years old, I’d written a successful New York Times bestselling book on health, I’d been voted America’s top personal trainer, I’d been named as one of the most influential people in health and fitness worldwide, I’d invested in a portfolio of nutrition and wellness companies, I’d socked away some sizable savings, I was a poster boy, affiliate, and ambassador for over a dozen different companies in the exercise and sports fields, and I knew I could theoretically just stop and walk away.


Keep reading to discover why I founded my company, Kion:

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