
Interface Design, Interaction and Experience Group Project mcimy009 & winbl003

Interface Design, Interaction and Experience Group Project   mcimy009 & winbl003 The purpose of document is to the outline the design process for an interface that will help physio do their job simpler. Some feature is that a login page, a main menu, a profile that can be edit. The profile has a name, date of birth (DOB), address of the client, gender that can only be a female or male, the physio name, the reason of the client for visiting the physio, and email. The main menu has a page to the login, profile, about the interface, and exit. The login page has the username and a password that must be the correct password and username. The about page gives the user insight of what the interface, authors. This document will show the phase that have the group have gone through to get the prototype.


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